遺傳學基礎(第二版) 內容簡介
The latest edition of Fundamentals of Genetics and the Biology Place is an easy-to-read introduction to genetics. The book presents full coverage of the subject without overwhelming read ers with details and complex clarification. Sections titled "Analytical Approaches for Solving Genetics Problems" guide readers through typical genetics problems in step-by-step detail.
The book provides full coverage of genetics in a brief format. It includes significant genetic advances, especially those resulting from molecular experimental approaches. Sections include material on the structure of eukaryotic chromosomes, the control of the cell cycle, initiation of transcription in eukaryotes, alternative splicing in the production of mRNAs, modern molecular screens for the isolation of mutants and investigation of genetic relationships by mitochondrial DNA analysis. The book also includes expanded coverage of mapping genes in human chromosomes.
在這本最新版書中介紹遺傳學的基本形式,它包括由那些分子實驗方法帶來的重要遺傳學,部分內容包括真核細胞染色體結構,細胞循環控制,真核細胞複製起源,mRNAs產品選擇等。原名《Fundamentals of Genetics, 2nd》。