1. yielding readily to pressure or weight
2. compassionate and kind; conciliatory
3. (of sound) relatively low in volume
4. easily hurt
5. produced with vibration of the vocal cords;
同義詞:voiced, sonant
6. not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)
7. used chiefly as a direction or description in music
8. (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected
同義詞:diffuse, diffused
9. (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh')
10. (of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value
11. using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation
12. tolerant or lenient
同義詞:indulgent, lenient
13. soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
14. having little impact
同義詞:easy, gentle
15. out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance
同義詞:flabby, flaccid
16. willing to negotiate and compromise
17. not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship
同義詞:cushy, easygoing
18. mild and pleasant
同義詞:balmy, mild
19. not brilliant or glaring
1. in a relaxed manner; or without hardship (`soft' is nonstandard)
Soft Kiss
Soft Kiss是毛毛雨家紡旗下的子品牌,專注打造天然抗菌護膚的巾品,Soft Kiss天然抗菌護膚巾品系列主要是提取深海蟹殼的殼聚糖[1]或其他天然...
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Electric Soft Parade
《Electric Soft Parade》是一首所屬於專輯《面對黑暗的沉默》的歌曲。
名稱 相關信息 -
soft drink
Soft drinks (soft drink): the level was below 0. 5% (mass ratio) of natural ...
Overview Classification Corrosive -
soft player
soft Gasol soft
Soft law
軟法(soft law),是指那些不能運用國家強制力保證實施的法規範。軟法是相對於硬法(hard law)而言的,後者是指那些能夠依靠國家強制力保證實施的法規範。
英文翻譯 基本定義 -
soft gene
Soft gene是面向agent軟體工程中的一個學術觀點。
概念 其它 -
soft boy
soft boy這部電影是日本2010年6月19日上映的一部影片。
製作 影片 演員 主題歌 -
Monolith Soft
Monolith Soft(日語:株式會社モノリスソフト,英語:Monolith Software Inc.)是日本的電子娛樂公司,主要業務為開發遊戲。...
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