2.Kaleidoscope feat.Tekitha (Wu-Tang Family)
3.Flower Dance
4.U feat.Stacy Epps
5.Instrumental 1 feat.NANASE
6.Instrumental 4
7.Represent feat.Chieko Kinbara
9.Brighter Side feat.Amanda Diva
10.A Cup of Coffee
11.Song feat.Lauren Amaris
12.Song feat.Brittany Campbell
13.Peacock Romantic
14.Change the World feat.Woongsan
歌曲開頭的對話片段引用自一部電影《Assignment: Outer Space》(又名Space man,法語Le vainqueur de l'espace)的對話。
Lucy:"They serve the purpose of changing hydrogen into breathable oxygen, and they’re as necessary here as the air is, on Earth."
Ray:"But I still say……they’re flowers."
Lucy:"If you like."
Ray:"Do you sell them?"
Lucy:"I’m afraid not."
Ray:"But, maybe we could make a deal."
Lucy:"What do you mean?"
Ray:"Oh, you see, you won’t have to send them anywhere. I’ll pay for them, and then, I’ll leave them here, for you."
Flower Dance直譯為花之舞。曲風以jazz-hiphop和chillout為主,有一種十分空靈自然的唯美感。