1. 受教育經歷
2009/06–2012/05, 美國亞利桑那大學,博士
2007/08–2009/05, 美國亞利桑那大學,碩士
2003/09– 2007/06,中國西南大學,學士
2. 研究工作經歷
3. 研究興趣與方向
1) 母體低營養對胎兒在子宮內發育及其後天生長的影響。
2) 環境熱應激對胎兒和新生兒胰腺內分泌的調控研究。
先後主持了西南大學博士基金和中央高校基本科研業務費各1項;曾主要參與了美國NIH R01-DK-084842,NIH T32-HL-7249,NIH F32-DK-088514和USDA 2012-67012-19855等項目;並與美國亞利桑那大學(The University of Arizona)擁有非常深層次的交流與合作擔任動物科技學院《生物化學》和《分子生物學》本科教學。
. 期刊論文(通訊作者以“*”標出)
曾在《American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism》(2013年生理學類Top 7),《Journal of Physiology》(2013年生理學類Top 8)等國際一流生理學期刊和國際會議上發表論文10餘篇,第一作者3篇,並編寫英文教材1部。
1) Chen X ( 陳小川 ), Green AS, Macko AR, Yates DT, Kelly AC, Limesand SW*. Enhanced insulin secretion responsiveness and islet adrenergic desensitization after chronic norepinephrine suppression is discontinued in fetal sheep. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jan 1;306(1):E58-64. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00517. (2014, IF = 4.514).
2) Macko AR, Yates DT, Chen X, Green AS, Kelly AC, Brown LD, Limesand SW*. Elevated plasma norepinephrine inhibits insulin secretion, but adrenergic blockade reveals enhanced β-cell responsiveness in an ovine model of placental insufficiency at 0.7 of gestation. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2013 Oct 1;4(5). (2013, IF = 1.207).
3) Yates DT, Macko AR, Chen X, Green AS, Kelly AC, Anderson MJ, Fowden AL, Limesand SW*. Hypoxaemia-induced catecholamine secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells inhibits glucose-stimulated hyperinsulinaemia in fetal sheep. The Journal of Physiology. 590(Pt 21):5439-47. (2012, IF = 4.38).
4) Yates DT, Macko AR, Nearing M, Chen X, Rhoads RP, Limesand SW*. Developmental programming in response to intrauterine growth restriction impairs myoblast function and skeletal muscle metabolism. Journal of Pregnancy. 2012:631038. (2012).
5) Chen X, Rozance PJ, Hay WW Jr, Limesand SW*. Insulin-like Growth Factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression Profiles in Growth Restricted Fetal Sheep Pancreas. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood). 237(5):524-9. (2012, IF = 2.803).
6) Green AS, Chen X, Macko AR, Anderson MJ, Kelly AC, Hart NJ, Lynch RM, Limesand SW*. Chronic Pulsatile Hyperglycemia Reduces Insulin Secretion and Increases Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Fetal Sheep Islets. The Journal of Endocrinology. 212(3):327-42. (2011, IF = 4.746).
7) Green AS, Macko AR, Rozance PJ, Yates DT , Chen X ( 陳小川 ), Hay WW Jr, Limesand SW*. Characterization of glucose-insulin responsiveness and impact of fetal number and gender on insulin response in the sheep fetus. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. 300(5), E817-823. (2011, IF = 4.746).
8) Chen X, Fahy AL, Green AS, Anderson MJ, Rhoads Jr RP, Limesand SW*. β2-Adrenergic Receptor Desensitization in Perirenal Adipose Tissue in Fetuses and Lambs with Placental Insufficiency-induced Intrauterine Growth Restriction. The Journal of Physiology. 588(Pt 18):3539-49. (2010, IF = 5.139).
9) Leos RA, Anderson MJ, Chen X, Pugmire J, Anderson KA, Limesand SW*. Chronic exposure to elevated norepinephrine suppresses insulin secretion in fetal sheep with placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth restriction. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. 298, E770-778. (2010, IF = 4.686).
1) Chen X, Green AS, Macko AR, Anderson MJ, Zehri A, and Limesand SW*. Chronic norepinephrine infusion suppresses insulin secretion but once removed, leads to enhanced insulin secretion in the fetal sheep. Diabetes 70th Scientific Session. Abstract 2496-PO. Orlando, Florida,USA. (2010).
2) Chen X, Macko AR., Green AS, Yates DT, Anderson MJ, Kelly AC, Zehri A, and Limesand SW*. Enhanced Insulin Secretion in the Fetal Sheep after Chronic Norepinephrine Infusion Suppression. Society for Gynecologic Investigation 2011 Annual Meeting. 18(4):F-116. Miami, Florida,USA. (2011).
3) Chen X, Yates DT, Macko AR, Kelly AC, and Limesand SW*. Chronic Norepinephrine Exposure Desensitizes Fetal Sheep Islets and Enhances Insulin Secretion. Society for Gynecologic Investigation 2012 Annual Meeting. 19(3):T-088. San Diego, California,USA. (2012).
1) Yates DT, Chen X, Limesand SW. Environmental Physiology of Livestock. (Environmental Heat Stress Impairs Placental Function, Fetal Growth and Development, and Postnatal Performance in Livestock). Wiley-Blackwell by John Wiley &. Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-1176-5. 368 pages. (2012).
陳小川,美國亞利桑那大學E. Ray Cowden 獎學金,2007-2012
1) Yates DT, Chen X, Limesand SW. Environmental Physiology of Livestock. (Environmental Heat Stress Impairs Placental Function, Fetal Growth and Development, and Postnatal Performance in Livestock). Wiley-Blackwell by John Wiley &. Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-1176-5. 368 pages. (2012).
陳小川,美國亞利桑那大學E. Ray Cowden 獎學金,2007-2012
[1] 基礎獸醫學(專業代碼:090601);研究方向:動物生理學(代碼:02)
. 實驗室組員(2013 – 至今)
李妍鎣,2012級動物科學本科在讀,主要實驗方向:RT-PCR & Real-time PCR
湯琦,2012級動物科學本科在讀,主要實驗方向:Total RNA的提取和實驗室管理