

博士,湖南大學助理教授,湖南大學碩士生導師。國家註冊環境影響評價工程師,國家註冊環保工程師,中國環境科學學會高級會員,美國地球物理聯合會(AGU)會員。主要從事污染環境的化學與生物修復技術及堆肥生物技術研究。在國內外學術期刊、國際會議上發表論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄20餘篇,EI收錄20餘篇,ISTP收錄5篇。Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology、Chemosphere、Process Biochemistry、環境科學等雜誌審稿人。參與編寫《環境工程設計與運行案例》、《堆肥環境生物與控制》、《廢塑膠裂解製取燃料油新技術》等論著。


2011.06-2012.10,美國亞利桑那大學土壤、水和環境科學系(SWES, The University of Arizona)博士後;
2013.03-,美國亞利桑那大學土壤、水和環境科學系(SWES, The University of Arizona)研究員。


污染物在自然多孔介質中的運移和轉化行為對於污染源所造成的環境風險評估以及污染場地處理與修復實踐有重要意義。這些污染物主要包括有機污染物、膠體和納米顆粒、重金屬、氮硫無機鹽類以及微生物,其中基本過程包括擴散、溶解、吸附(解吸)、化學轉化以及生物降解,它們決定污染物的傳輸和歸趨,是我們研究的興趣所在。目前主要研究方向包括:(1) 土壤和沉積物中污染物吸附解吸的機理和速率受限的原因,以及該過程影響因素。(2) 多孔介質中有機污染物的分布和聚集行為及其生物可利用性的影響因素和提高方法。(3) 微生物菌體在多孔介質中的傳輸和分布行為及其影響因素。
2. 表面活性劑在有機污染地下水修復及廢水生物處理中的作用機制及其套用
表面活性劑分子中既含有極性(親水)基團又含有非極性(疏水)基團,由於結構的特殊性,它能夠實現疏水性有機污染物在水中的增溶、改變多孔介質中有機污染物的分布狀態、絡合重金屬以及與微生物菌體發生作用,影響污染物的分配、傳質和降解行為。近年來諸如生物表面活性劑等高效低污染並且環境友好的新型表面活性劑的出現,更加提升了它在地下水修復和廢水處理中的套用潛力。主要研究方向包括:(1) 溶液中低濃度表面活性劑的自聚集行為及與疏水性有機污染物的共聚集行為(增溶作用);(2) 表面活性劑對多孔介質中有機污染物分布、傳輸及生物可利用性的影響;(3) 表面活性劑作用下有機污染物降解菌的遷移行為;(4) 表面活性劑影響酚類物質微生物毒性的作用機制;(5) 表面活性劑在有機污染廢水處理中的套用;(6) 表面活性劑淋濾去除土壤或沉積物中的重金屬。
3. 城市污泥的深度脫水和好氧堆肥。
隨著我國污水處理行業的快速發展,城市污泥已成為一個亟待解決的問題,而資源化處理與處置是發展方向。進行城市污泥的深度脫水和減量化,是實現後續資源化利用的重要步驟;好氧堆肥是城市污泥資源化利用的方式之一。主要研究方向包括:(1) 城市污泥高比阻的形成機理和影響因素;(2) 化學酸化-消解法降低污泥比阻;(3) 污泥堆肥多孔介質中的氣液傳遞性質及其改良;(4) 針對城市污泥堆肥的多功能可回收調理劑的開發。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“鼠李糖脂改變土壤中石油烴降解菌表面疏水性的作用機制及其與石油烴攝取行為的關聯”(No.50908081),主持人;
2. 國家水專項“湘江水環境重金屬污染整治關鍵技術研究與綜合示範課題”子課題“霞灣港重金屬污染底泥環保清淤技術”(No.2009ZX0 7212-001-02),任務負責人之一;
3. 國家自然科學基金項目“基於生物表面活性劑的逆膠束體系構建及其對木質纖維素降解酶的純化機理”(No.50978087),第二負責人;
4. 廣州市科技項目“廣州周邊鄉鎮和農村污水處理廠污泥好氧堆肥”,第二負責人;
5. 國家“十五”高科技計畫項目(863計畫項目)“城市生活垃圾資源化利用技術及設備研究——基於生物與自動化高科技的城市生活垃圾高效堆肥技術與設備研究”(No.2001AA644020, 2003AA644010, 2004AA649370),參與人;
6. 國家基礎研究計畫項目(973計畫項目)“環境生物技術與控制”(No.2005CB724203),參與人。
7. 美國超級基金項目“圖森地區三氯乙烯污染地下含水層的監控與修復”,主要參與人。


1. 環境科學與工程專業英語(本科、碩士研究生);
2. 環境影響評價(本科);
3. 環境修復原理與技術(碩士研究生)。



[1]Yang Liu,Xiaoling Ma,Guangming Zeng,Hua Zhong,Zhifeng Liu,Yongbing Jiang,Xingzhong Yuan,Xiaoxiao He,Mingyong Lai,Yibin He.Role of low-concentration monorhamnolipid in cell surface hydrophobicity for Pseudomonas aeruginosa: adsorption or lipopolysaccharide content modification.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology ( SCI 2013 IF=3.811)

[2] Lele Wang, Xingzhong yuan,Hua Zhong, Hou Wang,Zhibin Wu, Xiaohong Chen, Guangming Zeng.Release behavior of heavy metals during treatment of dredged sediment by microwave-assisted hydrogen peroxide oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, (SCI 2013 IF=4.058)

[3]Hua Zhong; Yang Liu; Zhifeng Liu; Yongbing Jiang; Fei Tan; Guangming Zeng; Xingzhong Yuan; Ming Yan; Qiuya Niu; Yunshan Liang. Degradation of pseudo-solubilized and mass hexadecane by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa withtreatment of rhamnolipid biosurfactant. Biodeterioration and Biodegradation(SCI 2013 IF=2.235).

[4]Zhibin Wu; Hua Zhong; Xingzhong Yuan; Hou Wang ; Lele Wang; Xiaohong Chen; Guangming Zeng; Yan Wu.Adsorptive removal of methylene blue by rhamnolipid-functionalized graphene oxide from wastewater.Water Research(SCI 2013 IF=5.323) .

[1] Hou Wang, Xingzhong Yuan, Yan Wu, Huajun Huang, Xin Peng, Guangming Zeng, Hua Zhong, Jie Liang, Miaomiao Ren. Graphene-based materials: Fabrication, characterization and application for the decontamination of wastewater and wastegas and hydrogen storage/generation. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 2013, 195-196: 19-40
[2] 劉衛, 袁興中, 歐陽建新, 鍾華, 曾光明, 黃華軍, 柴琦. 利用污泥熟肥作為高含水率污泥堆肥調理劑. 環境工程學報. 2013, 6: 2349-2355
[3] Yuan Xingzhong, Jiang Lili, Zeng Guangming, Liu Zhifeng, Zhong Hua, Huang Huajun, Zhou Meifang, Cui Kailong. Effect of rhamnolipids on cadmium adsorption by Penicillium simplicissimum. Journal of Central South University. 2012, 19: 1073-1080
[4] Peng Xin, Yuan Xingzhong, Zeng Guangming, Huang Huajun, Zhong Hua, Liu Zhifeng, Cui Kailong, Liang Yunshan, Peng Ziyuan, Guo Lingzhi, Ma Yukun, Liu Wei. Extraction and purification of laccase by employing a novel rhamnolipid reversed micellar system. Process Biochemistry. 2012, 47: 742-748
[5] Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Zhuotong, Zeng Guangming, Li Jianbing, Zhong Hua, Yuan Xingzhong, Liu Yang, Zhang Jiachao, Chen Ming, Liu Yuanyuan, Xie Gengxin. Influence of rhamnolipids and Triton X-100 on the adsorption of phenol by Penicillium simplicissimum and the association with cell surface properties. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 110: 468-473
[6] Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Yuan Xingzhong, Fu Haiyan, Zhou Meifang, Ma Xiaoling, Li Hui, Li Jianbing. Effect of dirhamnolipid on the removal of phenol catalyzed by laccase in aqueous solution. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, 28(1): 175-181
[7] Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Yuan Xingzhong, Jiang Lili, Fu Haiyan, Ma Xiaoling, Zhang Jiachao. Effect of saponins on cell surface properties of Penicillium simplicissimum: Performance on adsorption of cadmium(II). Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2011, 86(2): 364-369
[8] Liang Yunshan, Yuan Xingzhong, Zeng Gguangming, Zhong Hua, Li Hui, Wang Weiwei. Effects of surfactants on enzyme-containing reversed micellar system. Science China (Chemistry). 2011, 54(5): 715-723
[9] Zeng Guangming, Liu Zhifeng, Zhong Hua, Li Jianbing, Yuan Xingzhong, Fu Haiyan, Ding Ying, Wang Jing and Zhou Meifang. Effect of monorhamnolipid on the degradation of n-hexadecane by Candida tropicalis and the association with cell surface properties. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011, 90(3): 1155-1161
[10] Zhou Meifang, Yuan Xingzhong, Zhong Hua, Liu Zhifeng, Li Hui, Jiang Lili and Zeng Guangming. Effect of biosurfactants on laccase production and phenol biodegradation in solid-state fermentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2011, 164(1): 103-114
[11] 歐陽建新, 施周, 崔凱龍, 鍾華, 梁運姍. 微生物複合菌劑對污泥好氧堆肥過程的影響. 中國環境科學, 2011, 31(2): 253-258
[12] Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Fu Haiyan, Liu Xiaolan. Production and characterization of biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis CCTCC AB93108. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2010, 17(3): 516-521
[13] Liu Zhifeng, Zeng Guangming, Wang Jing, Zhong Hua, Ding Ying, Yuan Xingzhong. Effects of monorhamnolipid and Tween 80 on the degradation of phenol by Candida tropicalis. Process Biochemistry, 2010, 45(5): 805-809
[14] Liang Yunshan, Yuan Xingzhong , Zeng Guangming, Hu Chenlu, Zhong Hua, Huang Danlian, Tang Lin, Zhao Jiajia. Biodelignification of rice straw by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in the presence of dirhamnolipid. Biodegradation, 2010, 21(4): 615–624
[15] 丁瑩, 袁興中, 曾光明, 劉智峰, 鍾華, 王靜. 表面活性劑對熱帶假絲酵母降解苯酚的影響. 環境科學, 2010, 31(4): 1047-1052
[16] 王靜, 曾光明, 劉智峰, 袁興中, 鍾 華. 表面活性劑對熱帶假絲酵母降解十六烷的影響. 中國環境科學, 2009, 29(8): 822-827
[17] Zhong Hua, Zeng Guangming, Liu Jianxiao, Xu Xiangmin, Yuan Xingzhong, Fu Haiyan, Huang Guohe, Liu Zhifeng and Ding Ying. Adsorption of monorhamnolipid and dirhamnolipid on two pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and the effect on cell surface hydrophobicity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008, 79(4): 671-677
[18] Liu Xiaolan, Zeng Guangming, Tang Lin, Zhong Hua, Wang Renyou, Fu Haiyan, Liu Zhifeng, Huang Hongli, Zhang Jiachao. Effects of dirhamnolipid and SDS on enzyme production from Phanerochaete chrysosporium in submerged fermentation. Process Biochemistry, 2008, 43(11): 1300-1303
[19] Zhong Hua, Zeng Guangming, Yuan Xingzhong, Fu Haiyan, Huang Guohe, and Ren Fangyi. Adsorption of dirhamnolipid on four microorganisms and the effect on cell surface hydrophobicity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2007, 77(2): 447-455
[20] Fu Haiyan, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Yuan Xingzhong, Huang Guohe. Co-degradation with glucose of four surfactants, CTAB, Triton X-100, SDS and rhamnolipid. Biodegradation, 2007, 18(3): 303-310
[21] Fu Haiyan, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Yuan Xingzhong, Wang Wei, Huang Guohe, Li Jianbing. Effects of rhamnolipid on degradation of granular organic substrate from kitchen waste by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2007, 58(2): 91–97
[22] Yuan Xingzhong, Ren Fangyi, Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Fu Haiyan, Liu Jia and Xu Xinmiao. Adsorption of surfactants on a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain and the effect on cell surface lypohydrophilic property. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2007, 76(5): 1189-1198
[23] 鍾華, 曾光明, 黃國和, 傅海燕. 生物表面活性劑對土壤中微生物降解疏水性有機物的作用機制. 高技術通訊, 2006, 16(3): 325-330
[24] 王偉,曾光明,鍾 華,傅海燕. 腐殖質對堆肥中高效降解菌的吸附與傳輸影響. 中國環境科學, 2006, 26(5): 528-531
[25] 盧國滿, 劉紅玉, 曾光明, 鍾華, 時進鋼, 張林達. 生物表面活性劑產生菌犁頭黴菌(Absidia orchidis)的篩選及發酵條件最佳化. 環境科學學報, 2006, 26(9): 1426-1432
[26] Zeng Guangming, Zhong Hua, Huang Guohe, Fu Haiyan. Physicochemical and microbiological effect of biosurfactant on the remediation of HOC-contaminated soil. Progress in Natural Science, 2005, 15(7): 577-585
[27] 鍾華, 曾光明, 黃國和, 傅海燕, 王偉. 鼠李糖脂對銅綠假單胞菌降解顆粒有機質的影響. 中國環境科學, 2005, 26(2): 201-205
[28] 王偉, 曾光明, 黃國和, 鍾華, 傅海燕. 鼠李糖脂對銅綠假單胞菌在堆肥顆粒介質中吸附與傳輸影響的初步研究. 環境科學學報, 2005, 25(7): 965-970
[29] 傅海燕, 曾光明, 袁興中, 黃國和, 鍾華, 戴芳, 傅木星. 生物表面活性劑對堆肥中含烴有機質降解過程的影響. 高技術通訊, 2005, 15(9): 96-100
[30] Fu Haiyan, Zeng Guangming, Huang Guohe, Yuan Xingzhong, Zhong Hua, Meng Youting. Isolating biosurfactant-producing bacteria from composting and their prospective application in composting. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2004, 14(1): 131-134
[31] 傅海燕, 曾光明, 黃國和, 袁興中, 鍾 華, 孟佑婷. 堆肥過程中產生生物表面活性劑的細菌的篩選. 環境科學學報, 2004, 24(5): 936-938
[32] Zhong Hua, Zeng Guangming, Huang Guohe, Yuan Xingzhong, Fu Haiyan. Effect of rhamnolipid broth on vegetable substrate biodegradation process. In: Energy&Environment——A world of challenge and opportunities proceedings of the enerenv’2003 conference, Changsha, China. Beijing&New York, Science Press, 2003: 841-848


