





Unit 1
1 Mimi and His Shadow 咪咪和他的影子
2 A Happy Family 幸福的一家
3 A Poor Tiger 可憐的老虎
4 On the Farm 在農場
Unit 2
1 Who Am I? 猜猜我是誰?
2 Look Out ! 當心!
3 Buy Time 買時間
4 In the Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐店裡
Unit 3
1 I Taught the Teacher 我教老師
2 A Crow and an Old Fox 烏鴉和老狐狸
3 An E-mail 一封電子郵件
4 Colours and You 顏色和你
U nit 4
1 Mary's Birthday 瑪麗的生日
2 Mother Is at Home 媽媽在家
3 A Clever Monkey 聰明的猴子
4 Venice 威尼斯
Unit 5
1 What Happened? 出了什麼事?
2 A Rabbit and a Wolf 兔子和狼
3 Three Reasons 三條理由
4 Edison's Questions 愛迪生的問題
Unit 6
1 I Am a Little Fish 我是一條小魚
2 Two Friends 兩個朋友
3 A Clever Couple 聰明的夫婦
4 Toothache 牙痛
Unit 7
1 Do You Want Me to Tell a Lie? 你想讓我說謊嗎?
2 Fox and Grapes 狐狸和葡萄
3 The Dead Sea 死海
4 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 城市老鼠和農村老鼠
Unit 8
1 How Much Is Four Minus Four? 4減4等於幾?
2 Arbor Day 植樹節
3 The Dog Is So Long 這條狗太長了
4 Dolls 玩具娃娃
Unit 9
1 Half Dead 半死
2 Aren't You Riding a Donkey? 你不是騎在驢上嗎?
3 Taking Care of Your Eyes 保護你的眼睛
4 Mimi and I 咪咪和我
Unit 10
1 Still Hungry 還是餓
2 The Weather in Shanghai 上海的天氣
3 The Whale 鯨
4 You Don't Know How to Cook It 你不知道怎么去加工它
Unit 11
1 The Clever Fox 聰明的狐狸
2 A Real Giant 真正的巨物
3 A Barber's Joke 一位理髮師的玩笑
4 Good Study Habits 良好的學習習慣
Unit 12
1 Until They're Free 直到免費為止
2 The Moon 月球
3 Not a Dancer 不是跳舞的
4 How to Keep Healthy 怎樣保持健康
Unit 13
1 Thank You 謝謝你
2 Schools in America 美國的學校
3 A Dead Fly 一隻死蒼蠅
4 I'm Her Father 我是她的父親
Unit 14
1 The Weather Reports 天氣預報
2 A Super Basketball Player 超級籃球明星
3 A Cat Eats a Mouse 貓吃老鼠
4 The Rabbit and the Monkey 兔子和猴子
Unit 15
1 Sandwich 三明治
2 How Many Feet? How Many Tails? 多少只腳?多少條尾巴?
3 Guest Who Comes Uninvited 不速之客
4 Meals in England 英國的飲食
Unit 16
1 Having Chinese Food 吃中餐
2 Why Do You Run So Fast? 你為什麼跑得這么快?
3 My Colourful School Life 我多彩的校園生活
4 A Forgetful Scientist 健忘的科學家
Unit 17
1 A Woman and Her Three Dogs 一個女人和她的三隻狗
2 That Is Not My Dog 那不是我的狗
3 The Frogs and the Well 青蛙和井
4 A Present for Father's Day 父親節的禮物
Unit 18
1 Peter and Uncle John 皮特和約翰叔叔
2 A Bad Dream 一個噩夢
3 The Teacher Cried 老師哭了
4 The Frog That Changes Colour 會變色的青蛙
Unit 19
1 K Day 風箏節
2 A Short Composition 簡短的作文
3 White Dolphins 白海豚
4 My Father Isn't a Rich Man 我的父親不是富翁
Unit 20
1 Any 什麼都行
2 The Hens' and Cocks' Words 母雞與公雞的語言
3 A Tale of Beer 啤酒的故事
4 Napoleon Tried to Learn English 拿破崙學英語
Unit 21
1 Robot 機器人
2 MidAutumn Day 中秋節
3 Doorbell 門鈴
4 It Was Not Locked 它沒有鎖
Unit 22
1 Cookies 小甜餅
2 A Sniffer Dog 緝毒犬
3 A Good Idea 好主意
4 Teacher's Pest 老師的小淘氣
Unit 23
1 Three Doctors 三個醫生
2 Watching TV 看電視
3 Wrong Shoes 穿錯了鞋
4 Guess a New Word 猜測新單詞
Unit 24
1 I Can't Stop Now 我現在無法停下來
2 How Old Are You? 你幾歲啦?
3 Schools in China 中國的學校
4 Wet Paint 油漆未乾
Unit 25
1 Christmas Day 聖誕節
2 I Want to Go Out 我要出去
3 I Am Waiting for the Bell 我在等鈴
4 The Three Little Pigs 三隻小豬參考答案


