1993.9-1997.7 山西財經大學獲經濟學學士學位
1997.9-2000.7 北京師範大學獲理學碩士學位
2000.9-2003.7 北京師範大學獲工學博士學位
2003.7-至今 北京工業大學環能學院工作
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7. Mao Xianqiang,Guo Xiurui, Chang Yongguan, Pengyingdeng. Improving air quality in large cities by substituting natural gas for coal in China: changing idea and incentive policy implications, Energy Policy(UK). 2005, 33(3): 307-318. (SCI)
8.X.R. Guo, S.Y. Cheng, D.S. Chen, et al. Estimation of economic costs of particulate air pollution from road transport in China.atmosphericEnvironment, 2010, 44: 3369-3377