
1927年,由Roberto Rancilio創立“Officine meccaniche RR”公司,開始生產咖啡機,圖中為最早咖啡機La regina。




●1965年,由著名的設計師設計Marco Zanuso設計的Z8隆重上市,該Z系列的產品一直持續熱銷到90年代。


●Root: 根
Our identity has deep roots which were born in 1927 with the entrepreneurial adventure of Roberto Rancilio, the founder of a mark today present in 110 Countries worldwide.
Such roots have revealed in time their fruits. Now as always, our message is addressed to the promotion of the best espresso coffee worldwide through continuous innovations, patents and state-of-the-art technical solutions.
These roots grow and strengthen. Today, the deep respect for tradition goes on inspiring our activity and is the main source of inspiration in transmitting the made in italy worldwide.
Coffeeing the world...
Everyday we research technologically advanced and useful solutions.
Our engagement aims to merge continuous tradition and innovation.
Our machines are designed and manufactured totally in our development centres in Italy and represent the result of a constant process of technological and stylistic research.
Our greatest ambition is offer innovative solutions able to anticipate the needs of professionals, interpreting the desires of espresso coffee lovers worldwide...
Coffeeing the world...
●Relations: 關係方
We believe greatly that the success of an enterprise is founded on its capacity to create and develop lasting relations.
Everyday we work so that our persons, our partners, our distributors feel as an integral part of a great development project bearing value and satisfaction to anyone working in it.
A positive attitude promoting transparency, fairness and respect is part of our daily practice. We offer distinctive services and advantages to satisfy each need and guarantee the perfect support to each distributor, coffee roaster and barman worldwide ...
Our purpose is to promote worldwide our tradition and passion for espresso coffee. We pay constant attention to the technical and commercial training of our distributors and to the qualitative level of our network of external technical assistance, adapting our services and products to the real needs of our customers, wherever they are.
And results prove us right.
In the last few years Rancilio:
- renewed completely its range of products;
- doubled its production;
- tripled its investments in research and development;
- increased its international geographical presence;
- developed new tailored services for distributors, coffee
roasters and barmen worldwide...
Coffeeing the world...
●ABM07(Advanced boiler management):高級鍋爐管理


·加熱速度快:創新的水路設計,為市面上最快的加熱蒸汽系統(500cc的水10℃加熱到65 ℃僅需30秒)。
●Grid System
