

出版社: 中國人民大學出版社; 第3版 (2008年6月3日)
平裝: 316頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787300092577
條形碼: 9787300092577
尺寸: 22.4 x 16.8 x 1.6 cm
重量: 1.3 Kg


《研究生英語系列教材?研究生英語精讀教程(上)(第3版)》共12個單元。每一單元由課文(Text)、生詞(New Words and Expressions)、注釋(Notes)、練習(Exercises)和副課文(Supplementary Reading)五部分組成。每課可安排6-8學時,視課文的長度和各校的具體情況而定。兩次Mini-Test各安排2.5小時。《研究生英語精讀教程》(第三版?上)供非英語專業碩士研究生一年級第一學期使用。重點在於培養學生的閱讀能力,併兼顧培養學生的寫、譯能力。


Unit Onet
Text: You Are What You Think
Supplementary Reading
Unit Two
Text: Cancer & Chemicals
Supplementary Reading
Unit Three
Text: rats and Men
Supplementary Reading
Unit Four
Text: Einstein's Painful Romance
Supplementary Reading
Unit Five
Text: The End Is Not at Hand
Supplementary Reading
Unit Six
Text: Two Truths to Live by
Supplementary Reading
Key to Mini-Test 1
Unit Seven
Text: Good Taste,Bad Taste
Supplementary Reading
Unit Fight
Text: Computer Illliteracy
Supplementary Reading
Unit Nine
Text: This Was My Mother
Supplementary Reading
Unit Ten
Text: In the Picture
Supplementary Reading
Unit Eleven
Text: I Have a Dream
Supplementary Reading
Unit Twelve
Text: A Red Light for Scofflaws
Supplementary Reading


