由於日本科學家合成了一種人造血,一夜之間,吸血鬼不再是人們心中那富有傳奇色彩的怪物,而是能與人類和平相處的朋友。儘管人類從此不在吸血鬼的獵食名單之列,但仍有很多人惴惴不安,他們擔心吸血鬼們某一天會再次走出棺材,爆發血性。全世界的宗教領袖和政府官員們與吸血鬼們劃清了界限,但是在路易斯安那州一個名叫Bon Temps的小鎮上,人們和吸血鬼卻和平相處著。
當地的一個女服務生Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin飾演)深知遭人遺棄的感覺,由於天生具有讀心術,她得以傾聽每個人心中的想法,同時她也對吸血鬼敞開心扉--尤其是 Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer飾演),這個173歲英俊的吸血鬼。正當Sookie 被因bill的到來而引起的一系列神秘事件而吸引時,與吸血鬼是否和平相處的考驗才真正開始。
本劇由《六英尺下》的創造者Alan Ball締造,《真愛如血》探究了人類膽小的心靈世界,改編自Charlaine Harris的小說《南方吸血鬼》。被艾美獎獲得者Ball形容為“為聰明人準備的大餐”的《真愛如血》,擁有著非常出色的演員陣容,這一切都預示著《真愛如血》會帶給我們一場多么刺激的旅行。
true blood歌詞
When you came in the air went out.
And every shadow filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.
I'm the kind to sit up in his room.
Heart sick an' eyes filled up with blue.
I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.
When you came in the air went out.
And all those shadows there are filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.
Ow, ooh.
I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you
1. Take Me Home Lisbeth Scott, Nathan Barr
2. Hairclip Nathan Barr
3. Bill's Lament Nathan Barr
4. Gran's Story Nathan Barr
5. Bill's Entrance Nathan Barr
6. First Taste Nathan Barr
7. Tara In The Pool Nathan Barr
8. Tripping Nathan Barr
9. Tara And Mother Nathan Barr
10. Grieve To Grave To Groove Nathan Barr
11. The Tribunal Nathan Barr
12. Amy's Goodbye Nathan Barr
13. Bill and Sookie Together Nathan Barr
14. Priapism Nathan Barr
15. More Than You Can Imagine Nathan Barr
16. The Cabin Nathan Barr
17. The Funeral Nathan Barr
18. Sancto Erico Lisbeth Scott, Nathan Barr
19. Bill And Sookie's Reunion Nathan Barr
20. Jason and Amy Nathan Barr
21. Love Theme Nathan Barr