1996.9-2000.7 天津大學力學系 學士;
2000.9-2003.7 天津大學力學系 碩士;
2003.9-2007.3 天津大學力學系 博士;
2005.4-2005.10 澳大利亞國立大學工程系 訪問學者;
2006.7-2006.11 香港城市大學建築系 研究助理;
2007.4-2009.5 清華大學航院工程力學系 博士後;
2007.12-2008.2 澳大利亞國立大學工程系 訪問學者;
固體力學專業委員會“生物材料與仿生專業組”委員(2012- )。
973項目子課題 (2012.01-2017.12)主要參加人。
中國博士後基金:納米螺旋材料的生長和形貌研究 (2008.08-2009.05),負責人。
天津大學青年教師培育基金(自主創新基金):微納米手性材料的力學研究(2010.01-2011.06), 負責人。
1. Wang J.S.* et al., (2012): chirality transfer and remodelling in helices. submitted.
2.Wang, J.S.*, et al., (2012): Surface effects on the superelasticity of nanohelices. (under review).
3. Rong Q.Q., Wang, J.S.*, Kang Y.L., et al., . (2012): A damage model for twisting CNT fiber. Acta Mechanica Solid Sinica. (accepted).
4. Wang, J.S.*, Ye, H.M., Qin, Q.H., Xu, J., Feng, X.Q. (2012): Anisotropic surface effects on the formation of chiral morphologies of nanomaterials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 468, 609-633.
5. Wang, J.S.*, Feng, X.Q., Xu, J., Qin, Q.H. and Yu, S.W. (2011): Chirality transfer from molecular to morphological scales in quasi-one-dimensional nanomaterials: A continuum model. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 8(7), 1278-1287.
6. Wang, J.S.*, He, X.Q. and Qin, Q.H. (2011): Singularity analysis of electro-mechanical fields in angularly inhomogeneous piezoelectric composites wedges. In: IUTAM Bookseries (Springer): Vol.24.153-161.
7. Wang, J.S.*, Cui, Y.H., Feng, X.Q., Wang, G.F. and Qin, Q.H. (2010): Surface effects on the elasticity of nanosprings. Europhysics Letters. 92, 16002.
8. Ye, H.M., Wang, J.S., Tang, S., et al. (2010): Surface stress effects on the bending direction and twisting chirality of lamellar crystals of chiral polymer. Macromolecules. 43, 3762-5770.
9. Qin, Q.H. and Wang, J.S. (2009): Hamiltonian system for analyzing Saint-Venant end effects of piezoelectric strips. Journal of Mechanics and MEMS. 1, 59-71.
10. Wang, J.S., Feng, X.Q., Wang, G.F. and Yu, S.W. (2008): Twisting of nanowire induced by anisotropic surface stress. Applied Physics Letters. 92, 191901-3.
11. Wang, J.S. and Qin, Q.H. (2007): Symplectic model for piezoelectric wedges and its application to analysis of electroelastic singularities. Philosophical Magazine, 87, 225-251.
12. He, X.Q., Wang, J.S. and Qin, Q.H. (2007): Saint-Venant decay analysis of FGPM laminates and dissimilar piezoelectric laminates. Mechanics of Materials. 39, 1053-1065.
13. Wang, J.S. and Qin, Q. H. (2006): Debonding criterion for the piezoelectric fibre push-out test. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 86, 123-136.
14. Qin, Q.H., Wang, J.S. and Li, X.L. (2006): Effect of elastic coating on the penny-shaped crack in piezoelectric fibre. Composite Structures. 75, 465-471.
15. Qin, Q.H., Wang, J.S. and Kang, Y.L. (2006): A theoretical model for electroleastic analysis in piezoelectric fibre push-out test. Archives of Applied Mechanics. 75, 527-540.