

游科友,男,博士後 ,國家青年千人 ,清華大學自動化系講師。·第32屆中國控制會議大會專題研討會“與80後控制學者對談”報告人(panelist)美國數學學會《數學評論》評論員。



·2003年9月至2007年7月,中山大學數計學院, 獲學士學位


·2012年7月至今, 清華大學自動化系講師






(Guest Editor)

Special issue of IET Control Theory and Applications: Recent developments in networked control and estimation




SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Automatica; IEEE TAC, TCST, TSP, TIE 和 SPL; SYST CONTROL LETT; IJRNC; IJACSG; IET Control Theory Appl.; 中國科學 F-Information Sci 等重要雜誌


33rd CCC, Nanjing, China

9th ASCC,Istanbul, Turkey

10th IEEE ICCA, Hangzhou, China

5th IEEE International Workshop on WiSARN, Hangzhou, China

10th WCICA, Beijing, China


32nd CCC 西安

31st CCC 合肥

10th WCICA 北京

30th CCC 煙臺







1.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Quantized Kalman Filtering of Linear Stochastic Systems”, Editor: Joaquín M. Gomez, Book Chapter in Book Title: "Kalman Filtering", Nova Science Publishers, 2010

2.Keyou You, Nan Xiao and Lihua Xie, “Analysis and Design of Networked Control Systems”, Communications and Control Engineering Series, Springer-Verlag, London, 2012 (accepted).


1.Tianju Sui, Keyou You, and Minyue Fu, “Stability of Kalman Filtering with Multiple Sensors Involving Lossy Communications”,submitted to IFAC world congress, November 2013

2.Tianju Sui, Keyou You, and Minyue Fu, “Stability Conditions for Distributed State Estimation Over Lossy Network”,Automatica, submitted as a regular paper, November 2013

3.Keyou You, Shiji Song and Li Qiu, “Randomized Incremental Least Squares for Distributed Estimation Over Sensor Networks", submitted to IFAC world congress, October 2013

4.Zhenghua Wang, Keyou You, Juanjuan Xu, Huanshui Zhang, “Consensus Design for Unstable Multi-agent Systems with Communication Delay”, IET Control Theory and Applications, submitted, September 2013

5.Keyou You, Tianju Sui, Minyue Fu and Shiji Song, “Kalman Filtering over Lossy Networks Under Switching Sensors”, Asia Journal of Control, submitted, September 2013

6.Tianju Sui, Keyou You and Minyue Fu, “Stability of LMMSE Estimation over Lossy Networks Using Linear Coding", Automatica, submitted, August 2013


1.Zhixin Fu, Keyou You, and Yue Yuan, “Performance Evaluation of WSN Based Condition Monitoring System for Offshore Wind Turbine", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, accepted for publication, 2013

2.Keyou You, Zhongkui Li and Lihua Xie, “Consensus Condition for Linear Multi-agent Systems over Randomly Switching Topologies", Automatica, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 3125–3132, 2013.

3.Keyou You, Lihua Xie, and Shiji Song, “Asymptotically Optimal Parameter Estimation with Scheduled Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 14, 2013 (regular paper)

4.Zhixin Fu and Keyou You, "Optimal Mobile Sensor Scheduling for a Guaranteed Coverage Ratio in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, volume 2013, Article ID 740841, 11 pages, April 2013.

5.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Kalman Filtering with Scheduled Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1520-1530, 2013 (regular paper).

6.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Survey of Recent Progress in Networked Control Systems”, Acta Automatica Sinica, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 97-114, 2013 (invited by Academician HUANG Lin).

7.游科友,謝立華 ,“網路控制系統的最新研究綜述”,自動化學報, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 97-114, 2013(黃琳院士約稿譯稿, in Chinese).

8.Damian Marelli, Keyou You and Minyue Fu, “Identification of ARMA Models Using Intermittent and Quantized Output Observations”, Automatica, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 360-369, 2013 (regular paper).

9.Kristian Hengster-Movric, Keyou You, Frank L. Lewis and Lihua Xie, “Synchronization of Discrete-Time Multi-agent Systems on Graphs Using Riccati Design ”, Automatica, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 414-423, 2013 (regular paper).

10.Gao Huang, Shiji Song, Cheng Wu and Keyou You, “Robust Support Vector Regression for Uncertain Input and Output Data”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1690-1700, 2012 (regular paper)

11.Keyou You, Minyue Fu and Lihua Xie, “Mean Square Stability for Kalman Filtering with Markovian Packet Losses”, Automatica, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 1247-1257, 2011 (regular paper)

12.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Network Topology and Communication Data Rate for Consensusability of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56, no.10, pp. 2262-2275, 2011 (regular paper)

13.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Minimum Data Rate for Mean Square Stabilizability of Linear Systems with Markovian Packet Losses”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56, no.4, pp. 772-785, 2011 (regular paper)

14.Keyou You, Weizhou Su, Minyue Fu and Lihua Xie, “Attainability of the Minimum Data Rate for Stabilization of Linear Systems via Logarithmic Quantization”, Automatica, vol. 47, no.1, pp.170-176, 2011

15.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Coordination of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems via Relative Output Feedback”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 21, no.13, pp.1587-1605, 2011

16.Keyou You, Lihua Xie, Shuli Sun and Wendong Xiao, “Quantized Filtering of Linear Stochastic Systems”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 683-698, 2011

17.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control with Quantised Innovations Kalman Filter over a Symmetric Channel”, IET Control Theory and applications, vol. 5, no.3, pp. 437-446, 2011

18.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Minimum Data Rate for Mean Square Stabilization of Discrete LTI Systems over Lossy Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55, no. 10, pp.2373-2378, 2010


1.Keyou You and Shiji Song, “Observability of Linear Systems for Kalman Filtering with Packet Losses”, 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an, China

2.Keyou You, Tianju Sui, Minyue Fu and Shiji Song, “Stability of the Kalman Filtering with Two Periodically Switching Sensors over Lossy Networks”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Hang Zhou, China

3.Tianju Sui, Keyou You and Minyue Fu, “Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations Using Measurements Coding”,10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Hang Zhou, China

4.Nan Xiao, Xuehe Wang, Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Keyou You, et al, “Average Strategy Fictitious Play with Application to Road Pricing”, 2013 American Control Conference, Washington.

5.Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Nan Xiao, Keyou You, et al “Road Pricing for Spreading Peak Travel: Modeling and Design”, 17th International conference of Hongkong Society for Transportation Studies, December 2012

6.Kristian Hengster-Movric, Keyou You, Frank L. Lewis and Lihua Xie, “Synchronization of Discrete-Time Multi-agent Systems on Graphs Using Riccati Design”, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012

7.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Kalman filtering with scheduled measurements – Part II: stability and performance analysis”, 31st Chinese Control Conference, Hefei, China, January 2012

8.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Kalman filtering with scheduled measurements – Part I: estimation framework”, 9th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China, January 2012

9.Keyou You, Zhongkui Li and Lihua Xie, "Consensus for General Multi-agent Systems over Random Graphs", 9th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Santiago, Chile, December, 2011

10.Keyou You, Minyue Fu and Lihua Xie, “Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability of Kalman Filtering with Markovian Packet Losses”, 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Milan, Italy, August 2011

11.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, "Consensusability of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems over Directed Graphs", Proc. 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, July 2011.

12.Damian Marelli, Keyou You and Minyue Fu, “Identification of ARMA Models Using Intermittent and Quantized Output Observations ”, Proc. 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011

13.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Consensusability of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems via Relative Output Feedback”, Proc. 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, December 2010

14.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, "Consensusability of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems over Directed Graphs", Postgraduate student conference on the 2010 Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering, Dandung, Indonesia, November 2010.

15.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Consensusability of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems”, Proc. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Annecy, France, September 2010

16.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Mean Square Stabilizability of Linear Systems with Limited Feedback Data Rates and Markovian Packet Losses”, Proc. 29th Chinese Control Conference, Beijing, China, July 2010 (Guan Zhao-zhi best paper award)

17.Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “A Consensus Approach to the Assignment Problem: Application to Mobile Sensor Dispatch”, Proc. 8th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Xiamen, China, June 2010

18.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “Minimum Data Rate for Mean Square Stabilization of Single Input Discrete Systems over Lossy Channels”, Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2009

19.Keyou You, Weizhou Su, Minyue Fu and Lihua Xie, “Optimality of the Logarithmic Quantizer for Stabilization of Linear Systems: Achieving the Minimum Data Rate”, Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009

20.Keyou You, Yanlong Zhao and Lihua Xie, “Recursive Quantized State Estimation of Discrete-Time Linear Stochastic Systems”, Proc. 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, China, August 2009

21.Keyou You, Lihua Xie, Shuli Sun and Wendong Xiao, “Multiple-Level Quantized Innovation Kalman Filter”, Proc. 17th International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, July 2008

22.Keyou You and Lihua Xie, “LQG Control with Quantized Innovation Kalman Filter”, Proc. 27th Chinese Control Conference, Kunming, China, July 2008。


10/2013, 香港科技大學電子與計算機工程系,邀請人Li Qiu教授

10/2013, 香港中文大學信息工程系, 邀請人Wong Wing Shing教授

06/2013, 香港大學機械工程系, 邀請人Michael Z.Q. Chen 教授

06/2013, 香港城市大學機械與生物醫學工程系, 邀請人 Gang Feng 教授

06/2013, 香港科技大學電子與計算機工程系,邀請人Li Qiu教授

11/2012, 山東大學控制科學與工程學院,邀請人張煥水教授

09/2012, 中國科學院自動化所,邀請人侯增廣教授

08/1012, 華東理工大學自動化系,邀請人嚴懷成教授

08/2012, 上海交通大學自動化系, 邀請人楊博教授

07/2012, 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China, January 2012

07/2012, 31st Chinese Control Conference, Hefei, China

06/2012, 浙江大學控制科學與工程學系,邀請人陳積明教授

05/2012, 香港大學機械工程系, 邀請人Michael Z.Q. Chen 教授

05/2012, 香港科技大學電子與計算機工程系,邀請人Ling Shi教授

04/2012, 北航自動化科學與電氣工程學院; 邀請人郭雷教授

03/2012, 中國科學院系統科學研究所,邀請人李韜博士

03/2012, 北京大學力學與空天技術系, 邀請人段志生教授

10/2011, 清華大學自動化系, 邀請人宋士吉教授

09/2011, 山東大學控制科學與工程學院, 邀請人張煥水教授

09/2011, 北京理工大學自動化學院,邀請人夏元清教授

09/2011, 7th IEEE Singapore Control Systems Chapter Graduate Student Workshop on Control and Automation, Singapore

07/2011, 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China

12/2010, 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore

11/2010, Postgraduate Student Conference on 5th AOTULE, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

08/2010, 山東大學控制科學與工程學院, 邀請人張煥水教授

07/2010, 29th Chinese control conference, Beijing, China

07/2010, Workshop on networked control systems at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; 邀請人付敏躍教授

06/2010, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Newcastle, Australia; 邀請人付敏躍教授

12/2009, Joint 48th IEEE conference on control and decision & 28th Chinese control conference, Shanghai, China

10/2009, 華南理工大學自動化科學與工程學院,邀請人蘇為洲教授

06/2009, 華南理工大學自動化科學與工程學院,邀請人蘇為洲教授


