2010年4月回國任上海交通大學副教授,兼上海市生物信息技術研究中心Co-PI 。
主要致力於以轉錄組、蛋白質組數據以及生物網路為核心的複雜疾病Omics數據生物信息與統計模型、以及轉基因安全信息等方面的研究。近年來分別在Nature Biotechnology、Molecular Systems Biology、Molecular & cellular proteomics 、Human Mutation、Genome Biology、Human Molecular Genetics等知名學術期刊發表SCI論文十餘篇, 累計影響因子大於90。2010年獲上海交通大學SMC-晨星優秀青年教師獎
近5年代表性論文 (IF為影響因子)
1. J. Li, Z. Su, Z. Ma, R.C.Slebos, P. Halvey, D.L. Tabb, D.C. Liebler, W. Pao, B. Zhang. A Bioinformatics Workflow for Variant Peptide Detection in Shotgun Proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 10:M110.006536, 2011. (IF=8.8)
Y. He, M. Zhang, Y. Ju, D. Lv, Z. Yu, H. Sun, W. Yuan, F.He, J. Zhang, H. Li, J. Li, , G. Zhang , L. Xie . dbDEPC 2.0: database of differentially expressed proteins in human cancers. Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr936, 2011 (IF=7.84).
2. X. Xing, Q. Li, H. Sun, X. Fu, F. Zhan, X. Huang, J. Li, C. Chen, Y. Shyr, R. Zeng, Y. Li, L. Xie. The discovery of novel protein-coding features in mouse genome based on mass spectrometry data. Genomics. 5:343-351, 2011 (IF=3.34).
3. J. Li, D. Dexter, B. Zhang. CanProVar: A Human Cancer Proteome Variation Database. Human Mutation. 31(3):219-28, 2010. (IF=7.03)
4. D. Lin, J. Li, R.J. Slebos, D.C. Liebler. Cysteinyl Peptide Capture for Shotgun Proteomics: Global Assessment of Chemoselective Fractionation. J Proteome Res. 9(10):5461-72, 2010 (IF=5.13)
5. J. Li, L. L. Zimmerman, B.-H. Park, D.L. Tabb, D.C. Liebler, B. Zhang. Network-assisted Protein Identification and Data Interpretation in Shotgun Proteomics. Molecular Systems Biology. 5: 303, 2009. (IF=12.24)
6. T.A.Addona, … J. Li, …S.A. Carr. Multi-Site Assessment of The Precision and Reproducibility of Multiple Reaction Monitoring–based Measurements of Proteins in Plasma. Nature Biotechnology.27, 633-641, 2009. (IF=29.45)
7. H.L Ball, B. Zhang, J. Riches, R. Gandhi, J. Li, J. M. Rommens, J.S. Myers. SBDS Is A Multi-functional Protein Implicated in Cellular Stress Responses. Human Molecular Genetics. 18(19): 3684-95, 2009. (IF=7.39)
8. J. Li, Z. Liu, Y. Pan, Q. Liu, X. Fu, . Cooper, Y. Li, M. Qiu, T. Shi. Regulatory Module Network of bHLH Transcription Factors in Mouse Brain. Genome Biology. 8: R244, 2007. (IF=6.59)
9. J. Li, Q. Liu, M. Qiu, Y. Pan, Y. Li, T. Shi. Identification and Analysis of The Mouse Basic/Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Family. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 350:648-656, 2006. (IF=2.86)
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:基於生物網路模組的高通量表達譜差異分析
2. 國家重大科學研究計畫 973 項目子課題: 代謝生理活動與病理過程中信號轉導網路的系統生物學研究
3. 農業部轉基因重大專項:外源基因和蛋白潛在過敏性分析技術