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李勝功 ,男,1965年生。中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員,博士生導師。



2001年在日本筑波大學生物學系獲理學博士學位。在1989-1997年間,曾在中國科學院沙漠研究所任助理研究員和副研究員。在2001-2006年間,曾先後在美國猶他大學生物學系從事博士後研究工作,日本科學技術振興機構任項目特別研究員。2005年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”。現有在讀博士和碩士研究生5名 。




1)中國科學院 “引進國外傑出人材”(“百人計畫”)項目“基於樣帶的草地生態系統生物地球化學過程研究”(主持人, 2008年01月-2010年12月)。

2)中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目群“全球氣候變化與生態系統”中的“中國森林生態系統固碳潛力及其增匯技術分析”項目(KZCX2-YW-Q1-05) (課題負責人, 2009年01月-2011年12月)。

3)中國國家自然科學基金會(NSFC)、日本學術振興會(JSPS)和韓國科學與工程基金會(KOSEF)三國共同發起的2007年度中日韓A3前瞻計畫項目(Asia 3 Foresight Program)“CarbonEastAsia:基於通量觀測網路的生態系統碳循環過程與模型綜合研究” (專課題負責人, 2007年08月-2010年07月)。



1)Yu G.-R., L.-M. Zhang, X.-M. Sun, Y.-L. Fu, X.-F. Wen, Q.-F. Wang, S.-G. Li, C.-Y. Ren, X. Song, Y.-F. Liu, S.-J. Han, J.-H. Yan. 2008. Environmental controls over carbon exchange of three forest ecosystems in eastern China. Global Change Biology, 14(11): 2555-2571.

2)Hirata R., Saigusa N., S. Yamamoto, Y. Ohtani, R. Ide, J. Asanuma, M. Gamo, T. Hirano, H. Kondo, Y. Kosugi, S.-G. Li, Y. Nakai, K. Takagi, M. Tani, and H.-M. Wang. 2008. Spatial distribution of carbon balance in forest ecosystems across East Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148: 761–775.

3)Saigusa N., S. Yamamoto, R. Hirata, Y. Ohtani, R. Ide, J. Asanuma, M. Gamo, T. Hirano, H. Kondo, Y. Kosugi, S.-G. Li, Y. Nakai, K. Takagi, M. Tani, and H.-M. Wang. 2008. Temporal and spatial variations in the seasonal patterns of CO2 flux in boreal, temperate, and tropical forests in East Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148: 700–713.

4)Li S.-G., W. Eugster, J. Asanuma, A. Kotani, G. Davaa, D. Oyunbaatar & M. Sugita. 2008. Response of gross ecosystem productivity, light use efficiency and water use efficiency of Mongolian steppe to seasonal variations in soil moisture. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 113, G01019, doi:10.1029/2006JG000349.

5)Li S.-G., Tsujimura M., Sugimoto A., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2007b. Temporal variation of δ13C of larch leaves from a montane boreal forest in Mongolia. Trees-Structure and Function, 21, 479–490.

6)Li S.-G., Asanuma J., Kotani A., Davaa G. and Oyunbaatar D. 2007c. Evapotranspiration from a Mongolian steppe under grazing and its environmental constraints. Journal of Hydrology, 333: 133–143.

7)Li S.-G., Romero-Saltos H.G., Tsujimura M., Sugimoto A., Sasaki L., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. 2007d. Plant water sources in the cold semiarid ecosystem of the upper Kherlen River catchment in Mongolia: A stable isotope approach. Journal of Hydrology, 333: 109–117.

8)Tsujimura M., Sasaki L., Yamanaka T., Sugimoto A., Li S.-G., Matsushima D., Kotani A. and Saandar M. 2007. Vertical distribution of stable isotopic composition in atmospheric water vapor and subsurface water in grassland and forest sites, eastern Mongolia. Journal of Hydrology, 333: 35–46.

9)Li S.-G., Eugster W., Asanuma J., Kotani A., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2006. Energy partitioning and its biophysical controls above a grazing steppe in central Mongolia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137(1-2): 89–106.

10)Li S.-G., Tsujimura M., Sugimoto A., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2006. Natural recovery of steppe vegetation on vehicle tracks in central Mongolia. Journal of Biosciences, 31: 85–93.

11)Li S.-G., Tsujimura M., Sugimoto A., Sasaki L., Yamanaka T., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2006. Seasonal variations in oxygen isotope composition of waters for a montane larch forest in Mongolia. Trees-Structure and Function, 20: 122–130.

12)Li S.-G., Asanuma J., Eugster W., Kotani A., Liu J.J., Urano T., Oikawa T., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2005. Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange over grazed steppe in central Mongolia. Global Change Biology, 11: 1941–1955.

13)Li S.-G., Asanuma J., Kotani A., Eugster W., Davaa G., Oyunbaatar D. and Sugita M. 2005. Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 110: D09303, doi:10.1029/2004JD005453.

14)Li S.-G., Lai C.-T., Lee G., Shimoda S., Yokoyama T., Higuchi A. and Oikawa T..2005. Evapotranspiration from a wet temperate grassland and its sensitivity to microenvironmental variables. Hydrological Processes, 19: 517–532.

15)Li S.-G., Lai C.-T., Yokoyama T. and Oikawa T. 2003. Seasonal variation in energy budget and net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a wet C3/C4 co-occurring grassland: effects of development of the canopy. Ecological Research, 18: 661–675.

16)Li S.-G., Harazono Y., He Z.-Y., Zhao H.-L., Chang X.-L., Zhang T.-H. and Oikawa T. 2002. Micrometeorological changes following establishment of artificial artemisia vegetation on dunes and their implication in combating desertification in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments, 52: 101–119.

17)Li S.-G., Harazono Y., Oikawa T., Zhao H.-L., He Z.-Y. and Chang X.-L. 2000. Grassland desertification by grazing and the resulting micrometeorological changes in Inner Mongolia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 102: 125–137.


