


2007年畢業於中國科學院研究生院,獲工學博士學位。曾擔任雲計算國際會議CloudCom 2009組委會主席,是多個國內外期刊(JSS、IJNS、JIT、電子學報、高技術通訊等)的審稿人。2009年入選首批北京交通大學紅果園“雙百”人才培育計畫。美國喬治梅森大學國家公派訪問學者。


雲計算安全、套用密碼學 。





2008.12-2010.12 “基於網路輿情研判的高校群體性事件預警與網上應急處理”。



2009.1--2010.12 “分散式系統中隱私保護類認證理論與技術研究”。


2010.1-2012.12“網際網路信息的聚合與觀點演化機制研究” 。


[1] 李勇. 密碼學(第三章). 劉雲,孟嗣儀 主編. 通信網路安全. 科學出版社. 2011.1


[1] LI Yong. Identity-based Non-delegatable Universal Designated Verifier Signature. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2009, Vol 49, No. S2, 2133-2137。

[2] Yong Li, Willy Susilo, Yi Mu, Dingyi Pei. Designated Verifier Signature: Definition, Framework and New Constructions. In: Jadwiga Indulska et al. eds., Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), volume 4611 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer-Verlag, 2007. 1191-1200。

[3] Yong Li, Helger Lipmaa and Dingyi Pei. On Delegatability of Four Designated Verifier Signatures. In Sihan Qing, et al. editors, Seventh International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS '05, volume 3783 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 61-71, 2005. Springer-Verlag.

[4] Changlu Lin, Yong Li, Qiupu Zhang, Dingfeng Ye. Anonymous Identity Based Encryption with Plaintext Awareness in the Two Identities Setting. IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E91-A, No.12, pp. 3828-3832. Dec. 2008.

[5] Weijia Wang, Lei Hu, Yong Li. Security Analysis of an Dynamic Program Update Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. VOL. 14, NO. 8, 2010. IEEE Press. 782-784。

[6] Lifeng Guo, Yong Li, Lei Hu. Cryptanalysis of a Signature Scheme without Using One-way Hash Functions. Journal of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2008, 25(5): 698-700

[7] Weijia Wang, Lei Hu, Yong Li. Provably Secure N-party Authenticated Key Exchange in the Multicast DPWA Setting. The 3rd International SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2007), volume 4990 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 93-107. 2007. Springer-Verlag.

[8] Lifeng Guo, Lei Hu, Yong Li. A Practical Certificateless Signature Scheme. First International Symposium on Data, Privacy, & E-Commerce (ISDPE 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. 2007. 248-253

[9] Weijia Wang, Yong Li, Lei Hu, Li Lu. Storage-Awareness: RFID Private Authentication Based on Sparse Tree. 3rd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (SecPerU 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. 61-66。

[10] Weijia Wang, Lei Hu, Yong Li. How to Construct Secure and Efficient Three-Party Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols. Inscrypt 2010。

[11] Lifeng Guo, Yong Li, Lei Hu. Yinfang Guo. Practical Identity-based Signature Without Random Oracle. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS 2010). IEEE. 604-607。

[12] Xi Chen, Yong Li. Efficient Proxy Re-encryption with Private Searching in the Untrusted Cloud. The 3rd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing. IEEE. 2011. 140-143。

[13] FEI DING, YUN LIU, YONG LI. Co-evolution of Opinion and Strategy in Persuasion Dynamics: an Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach. International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 20, No. 3 (2009) 479-490。

[14] Fei Xiong, Yun Liu, Yong Li. Research on Focused Crawler Based upon Network Topology. Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 9, NO.5. (2008) 377-380 。


2009年度北京交通大學電子信息工程學院國際交流獎 。


