
李利平,男,湖南師範大學“瀟湘學者”特聘教授。 曾任加州大學河濱分校數學系訪問助理教授,主要從事代數表示論、同調代數、非交換環論的研究。 主要學術兼職:美國數學協會會員、Mathreview評論員、若干雜誌特約審稿。










I am interested in representation theory,noncommutative rings,homological algebra,group theory, andalgebraical combinatorics.Currently I am working on representation theory of infinite combinatorial categories, as well as its application in representation stability theory.

To better understand what representation stability theory is and its trends, please refer to the Representation Stability References assembled by Putman, Sam, Speyer, and Snowden.


A characterization of finite EI categories with hereditary category algebras, J. Algebra 345 (2011), 213-241.
Extention algebras of standard modules, Comm. Algebra 41 (2013), 3445-3464.
Algebras stratified for all linear orders, Alg. Repn. Theory 16 (2013), 1085-1108.
A generalized Koszul theory and its application, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 931-977.
On the representation types of category algebras of finite EI categories, J. Algebra 402 (2014), 178-218.
A generalized Koszul theory and its relation to the classical theory, J. Algebra 420 (2014), 217-241.
Stratifications of finite directed categories and generalized APR tilting modules, Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), 1723-1741.
Representations of modular skew group algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 6293-6314.
Finitistic dimensions and piecewise hereditary property of skew group algebras, Glasgow Math. J. 57 (2015), 509-517.
Noetherian property of infinite EI categories, (withWL Gan), New York J. Math. 21 (2015), 369–382.
Coinduction functor in representation stability theory, (withWL Gan), J. Lond. Math. Soc. 92 (2015), 689-711.
On compact exceptional objects in bounded derived module categories, J. Algebra 463 (2016), 234-253.
Upper bounds of homological invariants of FI_G-modules,Arch. Math. (Basel) 107 (2016), 201-211.
A remark on FI-module homology, (withWL Gan),Mich. Math. J. 65 (2016), 855-861.
Filtrations and homological degrees of FI-modules,(withN. Yu), J. Algebra 472 (2017), 369-398.
Derived equivalences between triangular matrix algebras, to appear in Comm. Algebra.
Homological dimensions of crossed products, to appear in Glasgow Math. J.
Homological degrees of representations of categories with shift functors,to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
On central stability, (withWL Gan), to appear in Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.
Koszulity of directed categories in representation stability theory, (withWL Gan), submitted.
Depth and the local cohomology of FI_G-modules, (withE. Ramos), submitted.
Two homological proofs of the Noetherianity of FI_G, submitted.
An inductive machinery for representations of categories with shift functors, (withWL. Gan), preprint.


