1.C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, X. Wang, “Correlations between molecular structures and third-order nonlinear optical functions of heterothiometallic clusters: A comparative study”, Coordination Chemistry Review, 2007, 251(1-2), 111-141.
2.C. Zhang, S. Takada, M. K?lzer, T. Matsumoto, K. Tatsumi, “New Nickel(II) Thiolato Clusters with A Flexible Cyclo-Ni10S20 Framework”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2006, 45(23), 3768-3772.
3.C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, X. Wang, F.E. Kühn, Y.X. Wang, Y. Xu, X.Q. Xin, “Large third-order optical nonlinearity of two cubane-like clusters containing oxotrithiometalate anions and silver: synthesis, characterization, reactivity, and NLO properties–structure correlation”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2003, 13(3), 571-579.
4. C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, F.E. Kühn, Y.X. Wang, X.Q. Xin, W.A. Herrmann, “Ultrafast response and superior optical limiting effects of the planar 'open' heterothiometallic clusters”, Advanced Materials, 2002, 14(11), 818-822.
5.C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, F.E. Kühn, Y.X. Wang, H.K. Fun, X.Q. Xin, “Study on a series of pentanuclear planar 'open' clusters: synthesis, characterization, strong third-order optical nonlinearities and superior optical limiting properties”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2002, 12(2), 239-248.
6.C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, F.E. Kühn, Y.X. Wang, H.K. Fun, X.Q. Xin, W.A. Herrmann, “Sign alteration of nonlinear refraction of the isomorphous cubane-shaped heterothiometallic clusters originating from a skeleton atomic effect”, New Journal of Chemistry, 2002, 26(1), 58-65.
7.C. Zhang*, Y.L. Song, B.M. Fung, Z.L. Xue, X.Q. Xin, “A new approach to superior optical limiting materials - planar 'open' heterothiometallic clusters”, Chemical Communications, 2001, (9), 843-844.
8. C. Zhang, G.C. Jin, J.X. Chen, X.Q. Xin, K.P. Qian, “The characteristic IR spectra of heterothiometallic cluster compounds”, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2001, 213, 51-77.
9.C. Zhang, Y.L. Song, Y. Xu, H.K. Fun, G.Y. Fang, Y.X. Wang, X.Q. Xin, “Studies on two Interesting microporous polymeric clusters {[Et4N]2[MS4(CuCN)4]}n (M = Mo, W) with three-dimensional open-framework: synthesis, structural characterization, strong optical nonlinearities and large optical limiting properties”, Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transaction, 2000, (16), 2823-2829.
10. C. Zhang, Y.L. Song, G.C. Jin, G.Y. Fang, Y.X. Wang, S.S.S. Raj, H.K. Fun, X.Q. Xin, “Two novel anion cluster compounds with planar 'open' structure [Et4N]2[MS4Cu4(SCN)4(2-pic)4] (M = W, Mo): synthesis, structural characterization, nonlinear response and large optical limiting properties”, Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transaction, 2000, (8), 1317-1323.