
“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,博導 ,國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者,新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選。


“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,博導 ,國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者,新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選。1963年出生於湖南長沙縣,1987年赴美留學, 1992年在美國邁阿密大學醫學院生物化學及分子生物學系獲博士學位,1993-1994年在美國邁阿密大學醫學院醫學系從事博士後研究工作,此後一直在美國耶魯大學分子、細胞及發育生物學系從事博士後研究工作。2000年回國應聘為湖南師範大學特聘教授,同年8月被教育部批准為“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,並獲得國家傑出青年科學基金課題。2001年獲由湖南省省委組織部、人事廳和省科協聯合頒發的“湖南省青年科技獎”。張健博士一直在生命科學的前沿領域從事研究工作,特別是留學美國的13年中,使他在現代分子生物學領域具備了深厚的理論基礎,掌握了基因克隆、基因表達、基因敲除和轉基因動物等各種先進技術,也取得了引人矚目的成績。





Zhang,J.,Donaldson,S.,Serbedzjia,G.,Elsemore,J.,Plehn-Dujowich,D.,McMahon,A.,Flavell, R. A. and T.Williams (1996) Neural tube, skeletal and body-wall defects in mice lacking the transcription factor AP-2.Nature,381,238-241.

J. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Liu, Y. Sun and D.J. Liao(2004) Synergistic effects of androgen and estrogen on the mouse uterus and mammary gland. Oncology Reports,12(4):709-716

Zhang J, Brewer S, Huang J, Williams T.(2003)Overexpression of transcription factor AP-2 alpha suppresses mammary gland growth and morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 256(1):128-146

Zhang J., T. Williams,(2003)Identification and regulation of tissue-specific cis-acting elements associated with the human AP-2 gene. Developmental Dynamics,228(2): 194-207.

Sanjay Anand, Wayne C. H. Wang, Dennis R. Powell, Stacey A. Bolanowski, Jian Zhang, Christina Ledje, Aruna B. Pawashe, Chris T. Amemiya, and Cooduvalli S. Shashikant. Divergence of Hoxc8 early enhancer parallels diverged axial morphologies between mammals and fishes, PNAS 2003 100: 15666-15669

Zhang J.,Tan, C.-K., McMullen B., Downey, K.M. and A.G. So(1995)Cloning of the small subunits of bovine and human DNA polymerase delta and chromosomal location of the human gene. Genomics,29(1),179-186.

Zhang, J., Chung, D., Tan, C.-K., Downay, K. M., Davie, E. W. and A. G. So (1991) Primary structure of the catalytic calf thymus DNA polymerase δ: sequence similarities with other DNA polymerase. Biochemistry 30, 11742-11750.

West-Mays, J. A.,Zhang, J., Nottoli, T., Donaldson, S., Libby, D., Strissel, K.J. and T.Williams(1999)AP-2a transcription factor is required for early morphogenesis of the lens vesicle. Developmental Biology, 206,46-62.

Turner, B.C., Zhang, J., Gumbs, A.A., Maher, M.G.,Kaplan, L.,Carter, D., Glazer, P.M.,Hurst, H.C.,Haffty, B.G. and T. Williams(1998)A high incidence of AP-2 gene expression in human breast cancer correlates with the regulation of multiple growth factor pathways. Cancer Research,58,5466-5472.

Nottoli, T., Donaldson,S., Zhang, J., Perkins, A. and T. Williams (1998) AP-2-null cells disrupt morphogenesis of the eye, face, and limbs in chimeric mice. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 95,13714-13719.

Chung, D., Zhang, J., Tan, C.-K., Davie, E. W., So, A. G. and K. M. Downey (1991) Primary structure of the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase δand chromosomal location of the gene. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,88, 11197-11201.

Tan, C.-K., Zhang, J., Li, Z.-Y., Tarpley, W. G., Downey, K. M. and A. G. So (1991) Functional characterization of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase and RNase H activitiesof a recombinant reverse transcriptase. Biochemistry ,30, 2651-2655 .


Zhang,J.,Donaldson,S.,Serbedzjia,G.,Elsemore,J.,Plehn-Dujowich,D.,McMahon,A.,Flavell, R. A. and T.Williams (1996) Neural tube, skeletal and body-wall defects in mice lacking the transcription factor AP-2.Nature,381,238-241.


J. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Liu, Y. Sun and D.J. Liao(2004) Synergistic effects of androgen and estrogen on the mouse uterus and mammary gland. Oncology Reports,12(4):709-716


Zhang J, Brewer S, Huang J, Williams T.(2003)Overexpression of transcription factor AP-2 alpha suppresses mammary gland growth and morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 256(1):128-146


Zhang J., T. Williams,(2003)Identification and regulation of tissue-specific cis-acting elements associated with the human AP-2 gene. Developmental Dynamics,228(2): 194-207.


Sanjay Anand, Wayne C. H. Wang, Dennis R. Powell, Stacey A. Bolanowski, Jian Zhang, Christina Ledje, Aruna B. Pawashe, Chris T. Amemiya, and Cooduvalli S. Shashikant. Divergence of Hoxc8 early enhancer parallels diverged axial morphologies between mammals and fishes, PNAS 2003 100: 15666-15669


Zhang J.,Tan, C.-K., McMullen B., Downey, K.M. and A.G. So(1995)Cloning of the small subunits of bovine and human DNA polymerase delta and chromosomal location of the human gene. Genomics,29(1),179-186.


Zhang, J., Chung, D., Tan, C.-K., Downay, K. M., Davie, E. W. and A. G. So (1991) Primary structure of the catalytic calf thymus DNA polymerase δ: sequence similarities with other DNA polymerase. Biochemistry 30, 11742-11750.


West-Mays, J. A.,Zhang, J., Nottoli, T., Donaldson, S., Libby, D., Strissel, K.J. and T.Williams(1999)AP-2a transcription factor is required for early morphogenesis of the lens vesicle. Developmental Biology, 206,46-62.


Turner, B.C., Zhang, J., Gumbs, A.A., Maher, M.G.,Kaplan, L.,Carter, D., Glazer, P.M.,Hurst, H.C.,Haffty, B.G. and T. Williams(1998)A high incidence of AP-2 gene expression in human breast cancer correlates with the regulation of multiple growth factor pathways. Cancer Research,58,5466-5472.


Nottoli, T., Donaldson,S., Zhang, J., Perkins, A. and T. Williams (1998) AP-2-null cells disrupt morphogenesis of the eye, face, and limbs in chimeric mice. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 95,13714-13719.


Chung, D., Zhang, J., Tan, C.-K., Davie, E. W., So, A. G. and K. M. Downey (1991) Primary structure of the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase δand chromosomal location of the gene. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,88, 11197-11201.


Tan, C.-K., Zhang, J., Li, Z.-Y., Tarpley, W. G., Downey, K. M. and A. G. So (1991) Functional characterization of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase and RNase H activitiesof a recombinant reverse transcriptase. Biochemistry ,30, 2651-2655 .


