

《奇蹟之刻》電影《2012》主題曲, 演唱者:亞當·蘭伯特。 這首單曲已經在亞馬遜音樂商店內躍升銷量冠軍。這支MV中也曝光了不少影片中的新場景,看點十足。主題曲展現了他不凡的歌唱實力,揉以影片中磅薄的災難畫面,足顯華麗。





英文名:Time For Miracles



it's late at night and i can't sleep(夜已深我無法入睡)

missing you just runs too deep(對你的思念太深)

oh i can't breathe thinking of your smile(想念你的笑容我幾乎不能呼吸)

every kiss i can't forget(每個親吻我都無法忘記)

this aching heart ain't broken yet(每顆疼痛的心還沒有碎)

oh god i wish i could make you see(上帝我希望我能讓你了解)

cuz i know this flame isn't dying(因為我知道激情還沒有消退)

so nothing can stop me from trying(所以沒有什麼能阻止我努力)

baby you know that(親愛的你知道)

maybeit's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟降臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

you know that(你知道)

maybe it's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟降臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

no i ain't giving up on us(我不能放棄我們)

i just want to be with you(我只想與你在一起)

'cos living is so hard to do(因為生存是如此不容易)

when all i know is trapped inside your eyes(當我只知道要沉淪在你的眼裡)

the future i cannot forget(對於未來我無法忘記)

this aching heart ain't broken yet(這個疼痛的心還沒有碎)

oh god i wish i could make you see(上帝我希望我能讓你了解)

'cos i know this flame isn't dying(因為我知道激情還沒有消退)

so nothing can stop me from trying(所以沒有什麼能阻止我努力)

baby you know that(親愛的你知道)

maybe it's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

you know that(你知道)

maybe it's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

no i ain't giving up on us(我不能放棄我們)

babyCan You Feel Itcoming(親愛的你能感覺到它的來臨嗎)

you know i can hear it, hear it, the souls(你知道我能聽見它聽見它靈魂聽得到)

baby, you feel, they feel you(親愛的你感覺他們感覺到你)

you know it's time(你知道是時候了)

baby you know that(親愛的你知道)

maybe it's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

you know that(你知道)

maybe it's time for miracles(也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻)

'cos i ain't giving up on love(因為我不能對愛放棄)

you know i ain't giving up on us(你知道我不會放棄)

you know i ain't giving up on(你知道我不會放棄)

oh i ain't giving up on us(我不會放棄)



