凱莉·克里斯廷·庫柯(英文:Kaley Christine Cuoco,發音為 /ˈkeɪliː ˈkwoʊkoʊ/、KAY-lee、KWOH-koh,1985年11月30日-)是美國的電視以及電影演員,因在熱播美劇《生活大爆炸》中飾演佩妮一角為大家所熟知。三歲開始打網球,她是位頗有天賦的網球運動員,現在是南加利福尼亞網球協會的業餘排名選手。她還熱衷騎馬、遠足、跑步等運動。空餘時間她會和自己救回來的流浪狗Petey、Leo、Zeus在一起,並且經常參加慈善活動。

她六歲開始模特和演員生涯。她的第一個主要角色是在1992年的電視劇Quicksand:No Escape中出演主角;在2000年出演的Growing Up Brady中表現出色並引人注意;2004年在8 Simple Rules里飾演長女Bridget Hennesy一角,深受觀眾的喜愛,她更因此獲得了青少年選擇獎;同年還在迪士尼的卡通頻道給Brandy Harrington配音;以及出演NBC短劇10.5,和ABC Family原創電影Crimes of Fashion。
此外,她客串出演過《越獄》、《7th Heaven》、《My So-Called Life》等電視劇,《Growing Up Brady》《Crimes of Fashion》等電視電影以及多部電影。她還多次為卡通片獻聲,包括《Brandy and Mr. Whiskers》和《Bratz.》等。
2007年9月,庫柯開始在CBS的情景喜劇生活大爆炸中扮演飾佩妮(Penny),佩妮是一位漂亮的金髮女郎,“在內布拉斯加州的奧馬哈市出生並長大”,她住在謝爾頓和倫納德的對門。她夢想成為一名演員,雖曾參與過試演但至今尚未成功。為了支付帳單,她在當地的一家乾酪蛋糕店(英語:The Cheesecake Factory)擔任服務生。
故事片 | |||
年份 | 名稱 | 角色 | 注釋 |
1995 | Virtuosity | Karin Carter |  |
1997 | Picture Perfect | Little Girl |  |
2000 | Can't Be Heaven | Teresa Powers | credited as "Kaley Cuaco" |
Don't Forget Your Toothbrush | Ashley |  | |
2002 | First Monday | Alyssa |  |
2003 | A Merry Mickey Celebration | Herself |  |
2004 | Debating Robert Lee | Maralee Rodgers |  |
10.5 | Amanda Williams |  | |
The Hollow | Karen |  | |
2005 | Lucky 13 | Sarah Baker |  |
2007 | Cougar Club | Amanda |  |
2008 | Wasted | Katie Cooning |  |
Killer Movie | Blanca Champion |  | |
2010 | The Penthouse | Erica Roc |  |
The Last Ride | Wanda | Post-production | |
2011 | Hop | Samantha O'Hare | Post-production |
Shark Night 3D | Sara | Pre-Production | |
2012 | The Bedroom Window | Denise | Pre-production |
2013 | Key Party | Amy | In-development |
Film Made for Television or Video | |||
年份 | 名稱 | 角色 | 注釋 |
1992 | Quicksand: No Escape | Connie Reinhardt | TV movie |
1997 | Toothless | Lori | TV movie |
1998 | Mr. Murder | Charlotte Stillwater | TV movie |
2000 | Alley Cats Strike | Elisa Bowers | Disney Channel Original Movie |
Growing Up Brady | Maureen McCormick | TV movie | |
2004 | Crimes of Fashion | Brooke Taylor/ Brooke Sarto | TV movie |
2006 | Separated at Worth | Gabby | TV movie |
Bratz: Passion 4 Fashion — Diamondz | Kirstee Smith | TV movie | |
2007 | To Be Fat Like Me| Alyson Schmidt | TV movie |
電視 | |||
年份 | 名稱 | 角色 | 注釋 |
2002–2005 | 8 Simple Rules | Bridget Hennessy | Main role |
2004–2006 | Brandy and Mr. Whiskers | Brandy Harrington | Voice / main role |
2004–2009 | 6teen | Chrissie Baldwin | Voice / supporting Character |
2005–2006 | Bratz | Kirstee Smith | Voice role |
Charmed | Billie Jenkins | Supporting Role | |
2006–2008 | Monster Allergy | Elena Potato | Voice role / main role |
2007–present | The Big Bang Theory | Penny | Main role |
客串 | |||
年份 | 名稱 | 角色 | 注釋 |
1994 | My So-Called Life | Young Angela Chase | Episode: "Father Figures" |
Northern Exposure | Miranda (Randi) | Episode: "Hello, I Love You" | |
1996 | These Friends of Mine | Little Ellen Morgan | Episode: "The Bubble Gum Incident" |
2000 | Homewood PI | Lauren Crane | Episode: "Pilot" |
2001 | Ladies Man | Bonnie Stiles | 8 episodes |
7th Heaven | Lynn | Episode: "Relationships" | |
2002 | The Nightmare Room | Kristin Ferris | Episode: "My Name Is Evil" |
2004 | The Help | Carly Michaels | Episode: "Pilot" |
Complete Savages | Erin | Episode: "For Whom the Cell Tolls" | |
2005–2006 | Loonatics Unleashed | Paula Hayes | Episode: "Weathering Heights" Episode: "Acmegeddon: Part 1" Episode: "Acmegeddon: Part 2" |
2006 | Secrets of a Small Town | Misty Anders | Episode: "Pilot" |
2007 | Prison Break | Sasha | Episode: "The Message" and "Chicago" |
2008 | Eureka | Leighton | Episode: "Here Come the Suns" |
2009 | Mercy | Kayla Reynolds | Episode: "You Lost Me with the Cinderblock" |