
Passage Passage Passage


出版社: 上海交通大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年8月1日)
平裝: 154頁
讀者對象: 11-14歲
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787313065872, 7313065876
條形碼: 9787313065872
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 1 cm
重量: 240 g




Unit 1 Persona Information人物寫真
Passage A New Basketball Star
Passage 2 My Father
Passage 3 Naughty Boy Ma Xiaotiao
Passage 4 The First Woman Doctor
Unit 2 Education Field教育天地
Passage 1 Be Ready for School
Passage 2 Students in American High School
Passage 3 The Use of a Dictionary
Passage 4 Practice is Necessary
Unit 3 Spicy Life麻辣生活
Passage 1 Do Chores to Get Pocket Money
Passage 2 What Do Students Do Everyday?
Passage 3 Travel for Fun
Passage 4 An Experience at My Uncle's
Unit 4 Health Express健康快車
Passage 1 What Sports do They Enjoy?
Passage 2 Cell Phones:Good or Bad?
Passage 3 Why Difficult to Fall Asleep?
Passage 4 People Born in Autumn Live Longer
Unit 5 Science and Technology科技博覽
Passage 1 The Shanghai Maglev Train
Passage 2 Bill and His Foundation
Passage 3 Go to the Moon
Passage 4 The World's Big Wheels
Unit 6 Entertainment and Sports文體視點
Passage 1 Dragon Friend
Passage 2 On Top and Together
Passage 3 The Childhood of Martina
Passage 4 Short-Track Projects in China
Unit 7 Cultural and Customs文化風情
Passage 1 How to Celebrate the New Year
Passage 2 When in Rome,Do as the ROMANS Do
Passage 3 Give Their Gifts
Passage 4 Huis Ten Bosch
Unit 8 Animals and Plants生物世界
Passage 1 Tigers
Passage 2 Tree Rings
Passage 3 Bears
Passage 4 Special Plants
Unit 9 Festivals中外節日
Passage 1 Christmas in England
Passage 2 The Dragon-Boat Festival
Passage 3 Today is April Fool's Day
Passage 4 On Mother's Day
Unit 10 History and Geography史地之窗
Passage 1 Washington D.C.
Passage 2 Special Guides
Passage 3 About America
Passage 4 Post in the United States
Unit 11 Nature and Environment自然環保
Passage 1 About Great Green Wall
Passage 2 Trains Traveling Is More Important
Passage 3 The Weather
Passage 4 A Storm
Unit 12 Safety Protection.安全防護
Passage 1 A Traffic Accident
Passage 2 Yushu Earthquake Not a Rare Phenomenon
Passage 3 Go to White Pines Forest
Passage 4 The History of Fire Prevention Week
Unit 13 Topical Scan熱點掃描
Passage 1 How Is China Doing with the Plastic Bags?
Passage 2 Shanghai Draws Big Crowds
Passage 3 A/HIN1Virus More Likely to Affect Children
Passage 4 More Students Go for Overseas Study
Unit 14 Emotions Posthouse情感驛站
Passage 1 An Old Man
Passage 2 please come back to me
Passage 3 Love from a Cat
Passage 4 Saying “No”
Unit 15 Supranormal Happiness非常可樂
Passage 1 Six.foot cockroach
Passage 2 The House of 1000 Mirrors
Passage 3 Do You Have the Time?
Passage 4 Alligators in the Pool
Unit 16 Colorful World多彩世界
Passage 1 Wanted advertisement
Passage 2 Monster Friends
Passage 3 The Concept of the Time
Passage 4 rooftop Gardens


