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柯林斯COBUILD英語學習詞典 內容簡介

柯林斯COBUILD英語系列詞典一貫致力提供一種全新的方法以促進對當代英語的理解、學習與教學。這本新版的《柯林斯COBUILD英語學習詞典》展示了九十年代英語全貌。60000多個釋義以及55000個例句不僅提供英語核心辭彙方面的信息,更涵蓋了許多其他方面的內容。 √提供辭彙使用頻率方面的信息,可使讀者加深對重要單詞的印象 √用輕鬆易懂的方式對整句進行解釋,提供典型用法和搭配方面的信息 √釋義不僅包括詞義,且講解了如何表達感情、態度與意圖,幫助學習者掌握各 種表達手段 √55000例句全部取自於英語語料庫,忠實體現英語書面語與口頭語的運用 √版面設計獨特,易於查找,易於讀解 《柯林斯COBUILD英語學習詞典》是中等以上程度英語學習者必備的一本英語工具書。特別清晰的版面設計,當代英語的詳盡釋義,英語語料庫的權威性,使本詞典成為一本理想的英語工具書。

柯林斯COBUILD英語學習詞典 本書目錄

1 Grammar notations
2 Introduction
3 Guide to the Dictionary Entries
4 Grammar
5 Dictionary A-Z
6 Illustrations:
human body
house and flat
car and bicycle
kitchen utensils
7 Geographical names
8 Compass points
9 Numbers
10 Dates
11 Time

柯林斯COBUILD英語學習詞典 文章節選

A, a As, as. 1 A is the first letter of the English alphabet. 2 In music, A is the sixth note in the scale of C major. 3 If you get an A as a mark for a piece of work or in an exam, your work is extremely good. 4 A or a is used an abbreviation for words beginning with a, such as acre or answer. 5 People talk about getting from A to B when they are referring generally to journeys they need to make, without saying where the journeys will take them. Cars are for getting people from A to B in maximum safety. a an A or an is the indefinite article. It is used at the beginning of noun groups which refer to only one person or thing. The form an is used in front of words that begin with vowel sounds. 1 You use a or an when you are referring to someone or something for the first time and your listener or reader may not know which particular thing you mean. A waiter entered with a tray … Today youve got a new teacher … I manage a hotel. 2 You use a or an when you are referring to any person or thing of a particular type and do not want to be specific … expensive make-up that we saw being advertised by a beautiful model … bring a sleeping bag … waiting for a bus. 3 You use a or an in front of a noun when that noun follows an adjective, or when the noun is followed by words that describe it more fully. The islanders exhibit a constant happiness with life … He did have a real knowledge of the country. 4 You use a or an when you want to refer to a single type or brand of something. Bollinger RD is a rare, highly prized wine.



