《劍橋國際英語教程 練習冊1》

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劍橋國際英語教程 練習冊1 特色及評論


劍橋國際英語教程 練習冊1 內容簡介

《劍橋國際英語教程》專為非英語國家的英語學習者編寫,是目前國際上最有影響的英語教程之一,也是劍橋大學出版社在全球銷最大的教材。本書採用“交際教學法”,強調在實際交流中培養語言的流利性、靈活性與精確性(Language is best lerned when used for meaningful commucnication),它旨在培養綜合技能,主要活動內容包括:主題討論、語法結構、語言功能、辭彙擴展和語音訓練,給予學生最大限度的實踐機會。

劍橋國際英語教程 練習冊1 本書目錄

Acknowledgments iv
1 Please call me Chuck.
2 How do you spend your day?
3 How much is it?
4 Do you like jazz?
5 Tell me about your family.
6 How often do you exercise?
7 We had a great time!
8 How do you like the neighborhood?
9 What does he look like?
10 Have does he look like?
11 It’s a very exciting city.
12 It really works!
13 May Itake your order please?
14 The biggest and the best!
15 I’m going to see a musical.
16 A change for the better.


